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  • Writer's pictureBecky Proctor

The elephant in the room

The year 2020 began as most new years.

A fresh calendar page

A women’s retreat in February

Making ready to travel home with my mother for a weekend visit in March.

And, suddenly, everything changed.

Was it fake news, or was this new virus really as bad as, or worse than, reported?

The day we hustled my mom through the airport onto a north-bound plane was the last time I was in a public venue unmasked, ungloved, and unprotected. Since then, we’ve all had to adjust to a new normal.

All my life I've heard about the importance of adjusting to change.

“Flexibility is the key to a happy life.”

“Change is the only constant in life.”

The clichés are endless.

It's true that as we transition through life we are called upon to make adjustments.

From pre-school to elementary to middle to high school to college.

From single to married.

From no children, to one to two to three or more children.

From career to retirement.

From not enough to too much time on our hands.

From able bodied to failing health and frailty.

The more we fight change, the more we suffer. Refusing to adjust may leave us angry, bitter and miserable.

In uncertain times like these, when emotions can come and go like the rolling tide. Meet struggle to touch the solid bottom, but I remember where to find the boulder upon which I can hoist, exhausted and bedraggled.

“The Lord is my solid rock, my fortress, my rescuer…” Psalm 18:2.

The unchangeable One who gives us only that which is good.

“Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of heavenly lights, Who does not change like shifting shadows.” James 1:17.

Take heart, friend. In this life, change is constant, but the unchangeable God is good.

You can take that to the bank, but remember you have to use the drive-through.

Lord, help us keep our sense of humor through these times of uncertainty and adjustment. We put our faith and trust in You, now and forever. Amen.

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